The Hat Band
Tim Kent and James Morris
February 2011
500 x 438 The Hat Band CD front
750 x 648 The Hat Band CD back

The Hat Band (Tim Kent and James Morris) … this is our 4th CD which, for the first time,  was recorded, mixed, produced and designed by James Morris. As always it has an eclectic mix of popular songs and some of our own all designed for our annual visit to Denmark and Germany.



Track 1 TAKE ME HOME ©James Morris

Track 6 SEALED WITH A KISS (Brian Hyland No 1 hit…Peter Udell / Gary Geld)

Track 7 DANCE TONIGHT (Paul McCartney)

Track 9 QUEDENS CAFÉ ©Tim Kent and James Morris

Track 13 ALL AROUND MY HAT ©Tim Kent trad adapted.

Track 14 THE HAT BAND SONG ©Tim Kent